First let’s start with answering the question, what is social selling?

It is the ability to utilize social media/networks to find your ideal customer avatar, build trust with them, which ultimately helps to achieve your sales objectives.

Social selling is not limited to just LinkedIn or any social platform for that matter but LinkedIn has developed a tool called the LinkedIn social selling index?

The social selling index is used to measure, from 1-100, how effective you are at building a professional brand, connecting with the right audience, engaging with relevance, and building real relationships.

In a nutshell, your Social Selling Index measures your effectiveness at leveraging LinkedIn for social selling.

>>> Click here to find out your Social Selling Index score and where you rank among in your network.

>>> Click here to schedule a free 30 minute LinkedIn & social selling strategy call.




In addition to your SSI score, it also shows you how you rank among your network as you can see from the image below.




Click here to find out your Social Selling Index score and where you rank among in your network.

So what prompted me to write this article?

I meet business owners all the time, through LinkedIn of course 🙂 and last week I met a guy who owns a software company that sells to businesses.  After I started talking about social selling and LinkedIn marketing he asked me a question.

Why should I care about social selling or my social selling index?  See the image below and you tell me what happened next.


When I shared these statistics with him he was blown away.  I see this all the time because business owners, sales professionals and everyone in between routinely get stuck doing things the way they have always done them, just because that’s the way it’s always been done.

If you take anything from this article please note this. In a day and age when the world is changing as rapidly as it is today, you need to keep your eyes open or suffer the consequences!

What bothers me the most is the fact that there are business owners that will have to layoff staff or even close their doors because they refuse to accept and adapt to change.  They refuse to see what’s going on all around them.

Thus the reason for this article. I hope you enjoy.

P.S. If your interested in getting more leads, more customer and more profits and are curious about how LinkedIn can do for your business click here to schedule a free 30 minute LinkedIn & social selling strategy call.


Dennis Brown
“Stop the madness. There’s a better way!”
LinkedIn Consultant, Trainer, Speaker